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The Baffler
The Baffler
No. 76 - Get in Line
No. 75 - Facing the Future
No. 74 - Altered States
No. 73 - Consolation Prizes
No. 72 - Life Alert
No. 71 - Wither Humanitarianism?
No. 70 - Out To Lunch
No. 69 - Hell or Las Vegas
No. 68 - Fool House
No. 67 - The National Interest
No. 66 - The Ties That Bind
No. 65 - Undemocratic Vistas
No. 64 - Reality Minus
No. 63 - Proletarians
No. 62 - Political Fictions
No. 61 - Space Opera
No. 60 - The Squandering Earth
No. 59 - Ill Liberalism
No. 58 - Secret Connexions
No. 57 - Movements and Campaigns
No. 56 - The Counter Public Option
No. 55 - Psychopomp
No. 54 - ReGlobalization
No. 53 - The Consensusphere
No. 52 - Children of Paradise
No. 51 - The Saving Power
No. 50 - The New Booboisie
No. 49 - In Ruins