Editors : Gail Pirkis & Hazel Wood Editorial & submissions: Anna Kirk

Marketing & publicity: Steph Allen, Jennie Harrison Bunning & Hattie Summers

Subscriptions, orders & bookshops: Jess Dalby & Iona Glen

Cover illustration: Sandra Graham, River Rea, 2021

Sandra Graham is a professional landscape artist whose work is in both public and private collections. River Rea, 2021 was inspired by a glorious walk through the forest and along the river during lockdown last spring. She says: ‘Everything about the forest captivates and relaxes me, and its sounds, smells and textures offer endless inspiration. My work attempts to share

this experience and to encourage us to consider what we now have and what we must undoubtedly protect.’ For more of her work visit www.sandragraham.co.uk or follow her on

Instagram @sandragrahamartist.

Back cover fox by Robert Aspinall

Design by Octavius Murray Layout by Andrew Evans Colophon and tailpiece by David Eccles

© The contributors 2022

Published by Slightly Foxed Limited

53 Hoxton Square London N1 6pb

tel 020 7033 0258 email office@foxedquarterly.com


Slightly Foxed is published quarterly in early March, June, September and December

Annual subscription rates (4 issues) UK and Ireland £48; Overseas £56

Single copies of this issue can be bought for £12.50 (UK) or £14.50 (Overseas)

All back issues in printed form are also available

978-1-910898-64-2 ISN 1742-5794

Printed and bound by Smith Settle, Yeadon, West Yorkshire