contents WATER CRAFT w152 March/April 2022
9 The Gribble What we do in the shallows.
10 By The Riverside
Way down yonder in old Orleans. Kathy Mansfield and friends return for the great 2021 Loire Festival of traditional working rivercraft. 15 Pulling Together It's not just in France that ancient
craft have survived; Cat Holman finds Irish currachs – in the USA.
21 A Fitting Legacy Marc Fovargue-Davies on the long
history of the UK's best known traditional chandlers, Davey & Co
25 Build Your Own
30' (9.15m) Motor Sailer Paul Gartside send full plans for an economical and robust cruising boat.
32 On The Right Lines WBTA chairman Colin Henwood on
the joy of the 'suent curve'.
44 Another Boat – 6 In Tasmania, there's still more work to
do on Penny Morton's Weekender
47 Building A Wooden
Cruising Yacht In the final article of his series, Jerry
Eardley reflects on Sea Thrift's upkeep over 5 years of extensive cruising. . 52 James Wharram Simon Holman says his and our
farewells to the leading designer and proponent of affordable boating
54 Design Your Own Boat
Naval architect Ian Nicolson offers cures for your rudder maladies.
56 The Shock Of The Old
Moray MacPhail's series on refining traditional rigs is on the wire.
34 Building A Boat... ... can take longer than you think,
writes amateur Mike Breewood but his Oughtred Elf repaid all his time.
59 Grand Designs Cat Holman reviews nesting dinghy
designs for the cruising sailor – and that empty corner of the garage.
40 Building The Lili
In France, Jean-Yves Poirier's raid boat is almost ready to launch; she just needs some soft furnishings. .
64 Subscribing
to WaterCraft The supporters club where you don't have to wear the t-shirt – and feel silly.
Water Craft – ISSN1367-0895 – is published bi-monthly on the 4th Thursday of February, April, June, August & October and the 3rd Thursday of Pete Greenfield Publishing, Bridge Shop,
Gweek, TR12 6UD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1326 221424. UK subscription rate for 6 issues (one year) is £30; Europe, USA & Canada: £36; Rest of World: £36/£45 – see Water Craft aims to inspire, inform and entertain readers interested in the design, construction and use of boats. Content is contributed by boating professionals and amateurs sharing their experiences.
We endeavour to check all content for factual accuracy and will correct any errors at the earliest opportunity but we accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in Water Craft. No material in Water Craft carries any warranty, express or implicit and is offered by – in the words of the American boat designer and magazine editor William Atkin – “Fellow seekers after truth”.