Regulars 6 The plenary 19 International view 35 Ruminating

on research 106 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


38 Tes Further jobs 42 Tes Leadership 48 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 10 DECEMBER 2021

6 10 14 16 22 30 36

The great pay divide The gender pay gap in schools revealed, and Doug Lemov’s essential new teaching techniques

Born to dance Tes’ 10 questions: Strictly Come Dancing star Rhys Stephenson pays tribute to a teacher who encouraged him to take centre stage

Governor generals With the launch of a new scheme to send ‘expert governors’ into schools, Te s asks if they are worth their £500-a-day price tag

Training delay The key news stories you may have missed this week, from a delay in ITT reforms to the SEND review and funding for Covid cover

Parental guidance Lockdown forced parents to play a bigger part in education – but how can schools make the most of this increased engagement?

Cool to be kind When you put a culture of kindness at the heart of a school then everyone is happier, say experts. Here’s how to do it

Sex ed uncovered Te s looks back at a sex education controversy in the 1970s and asks educators for their verdict on the latest statutory RSE guidance

Next week The social mobility ‘con’ How our education system is rigged against disadvantaged pupils