Regulars 6 The plenary 19 International view 35 Ruminating
on research 130 Cryptic crossword
and Quiz
38 Tes Further jobs 42 Tes Leadership 48 Tes jobs
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4 Te s 19 NOVEMBER 2021
6 10 14 16 22 30 36
Video nasty Teachers suffer ‘spiteful’ abuse in new TikTok trend, and why education can’t be allowed to ‘go back to normal’ post-Covid
‘The most exciting time’ Tes’ 10 questions: AET’s Rebecca Boomer-Clark explains why she’s excited for schools and recalls the best teacher introduction ever
Premium advice Experts explain how leaders can make best use of the new examples published to help schools fill in their pupil premium forms
Grade expectations Key news stories you may have missed, from the back-up plan in case of exam cancellations to Covid measures and the SEND review
‘Unseen’ children What can we do to tackle underachievement among disadvantaged white boys? Jean Gross explains how to help this ‘unseen’ group
Spinner winner How allowing pupils to bring fidget toys, such as spinners and Pop-its, into the classroom can help their concentration
Green light Four things that leaders can do to make sure their school plays its part in the critical battle against climate change
Next week The Blitz spirit How schools’ recovery after the Second World War can help us with catch-up