Regulars 6 The plenary 19 International view 37 Ruminating on research 130 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


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Te s 12 NOVEMBER 2021


Brain storm Are brain-reading microchips the future of assessment? And why children need ‘tough love’ post-Covid


Top of the Bill Tes’ 10 questions: comedy legend Bill Bailey recalls one teacher like ‘a cage of roaring lions’ and another who gave him confidence on stage


The longest day The education secretary has signalled his support for an extended school day – but would this really improve pupils’ learning?


Keeping the gates open Key news stories you may have missed, from legislation to make school closures more difficult to Covid absence and longer days


Safety in numbers Given the rise in research on the most effective ways to teach maths, two experts share their five ‘best bets’ to improve learning


Do you belong in a museum? How to overcome the barriers that stop some of our students from making the most of school visits to museums


Mr Motivator If your teachers are struggling for motivation amid the grind of Covid, expert Sharath Jeevan has five tips to fire them up again

Next week Pop-it up Why banning fidget toys such as Pop-its from the classroom could be wrong