Regulars 6 The plenary 19 International view 35 Ruminating on research 58 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


38 Tes Further jobs 42 Tes Leadership 46 Tes jobs

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Te s 3 SEPTEMBER 2021


Remote control The legal threat to schools over remote learning, why you should be happy about covering a lesson and other top articles from


Dreams of success Te s’ 10 questions: pop sensation Gabrielle talks of how poetry lessons inspired her career and her starring role in a school staging of Grease


Clearing the air With all state schools due to be given CO2 monitors, Te s looks at the challenges involved in improving air quality in our classrooms


Importing talent A roundup of key stories you may have missed this week, from the recruitment of overseas teachers to the hiring of ‘attendance advisers’


Cognitive slowed The rapid rise of cognitive science in education could be halted by a warning about the way teachers are applying it in the classroom


True colours A failure to diagnose children’s colour blindness is holding pupils back, researchers warn – but a new app could offer a solution


Tech the initiative Five ways school leaders can build on the wider use of edtech during the pandemic to come up with a clear digital strategy for the future

Next week The cyber threat How can schools protect themselves from ransomware attacks?