I s s u e
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O c t o b e r
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Issue 379 ❙ October 2021 ❙ £5.25
A n c h o r
C h u r c h
B i r d o s w a l
S e d g e f o r d
S l
a t e l
a n d s c a p e s
S u s s e x
A r c h a e o l
o g i
c a l
S o c i
e t y
L o n g
M a n
o f
W i l
m i
n g t o n
W o r l
H e r i t a g e
Relics of slate-working in North-west Wales Relics of slate-working eReReReRelics of slate-working ReRin en e in licNlicNlicNlNlNlicNlicNcNcNlicNlic r o North-west Wales cs of slate-workin orth-west Wales cs of slate-workin of slate-wor th-west Wal of slate-wor cocNoNcNcocNcNcocNc lerlr h-oho Wa-wo Wa-wo st ete thoto orth-west Wales NoN Relics of slate-working elics of slate-working in in North-west Wales orth-west Wales
Relics of slate-working · ~- ~~• les
Exploring the UK’s newest World Heritage Site xploring the UK’s newest World Heritage Site Exploring the UK’s newest World Heritage Site xploring the UK’s newest World Heritage Site
Anglo-Saxon malting at Sedgeford A 9th-century royal refuge near Repton? Excavating a Roman town at Birdoswald ❙ ❙