THE LADY established 1885 • No 6416


Features 12 A Good Life

Actress Felicity Kendal tells us about her long career – and learning to tap dance at 74! 26 Happy Heart

Former Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq says being content is her biggest priority 30 Remarkable Lives How Wallis Simpson’s

romance with Edward VIII rocked the monarchy to its foundations 34 Bookworms Ahoy! Test your knowledge

with our literary quiz 38 Rural Splendour Ciar Byrne visits The

Laskett, Sir Roy Strong and his late wife Julia’s extraordinary garden 46 Caribbean Dreams

Delicious Creole recipes from the West Indies 52 Feel the Inspiration Follow in the footsteps

of great writers 60 Feel the Beat

Simple tips to help keep your heart in fine fettle 78 Care Special

Everything you need to know about live-in care Regulars 6 Lady Loves...

Save the planet in style 8 Her Indoors

Mary Killen 10 Letters 18 The Curmudgeon My past is definitely

a foreign country 20 Modern Manners Thomas Blaikie 22 The Debate

Should assisted suicide be legalised? 24 Liz Hodgkinson A gift for your host is

just a form of clutter 43 Gardener’s Diary Ciar Byrne

44 Him on the Farm

Robin Page 50 Notes from a Kitchen

Sue Bailey 51 Ivo Uncorked The pleasure of a pint 56 Fashion

Earn your stripes 58 Beauty

Armand Beasley 65 Health & Wellbeing Stephanie Unthank 100 Horoscopes Victor Olliver 114 First Impressions Nina Conti

Reviews 66 Bookshelf The best new reads 69 Books of Life

Maggie Alderson 70 Art

The fabulous but forgotten landscape painter John Crome 74 Stage

Richard Barber 75 Television

Emily Ross 76 Films Jason Solomons 77 Radio Louis Barfe

Puzzles 101 Wordsearch and

Codebreaker 102 The Ladygram

Challenge Win a beautiful DEMI+CO diamanté magnetic bracelet 106 Crosswords 110 Spot the Difference 112 Solutions

Classifieds 88 Holiday lets, positions

vacant and much more

Subscriptions 42 Subscribe and receive

a free bottle of Rosie Ruby eau de toilette by Yardley London


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