Agenda Making the news this month
8 Indonesia’s forgotten massacre 9 Waste water farm tames ‘the garbage monster’ plus Shack-dwellers’ victory 10 Still no real justice for Afghan women 11 Spain’s slow-burning revolution 12 The population time bomb:
hoax or horror? 13 Who is to blame for the Somali famine?
Analysis Special feature: Indigenous people vs corporate power
24 Avatar for real
From Canada to Congo, from India to Australia, indigenous communities are fighting for their lives and livelihoods.
26 ¡Agro si! ¡Mina no! When the people of Peru’s southern Andes arose to defend farming and oppose mining.
30 A different imagination Opening up the space in our minds. Vanessa Baird concludes this special report. Plus ACTION contacts and information.
i r d
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Va n e s s a
14 Nature’s defenders Vanessa Baird introduces a clash that is becoming increasingly heated – and relevant.
16 At your peril Peru’s Asháninka people take on the dam builders to save
21 Meet the defenders Profiling environmental champions who don’t buy
Western ideas of development.
llI n t e r n a t i o n a i v a
S u r v
Rafiq Maqbool / AP Photo i r d
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Va n e s s a
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