Regulars 6 The plenary 27 Growth mindset

required 31 Ruminating on research 82 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


38 Tes Further jobs 44 Tes Leadership 46 Tes jobs

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Te s 9 JULY 2021


Ahead of schedule Tips for putting together next year’s timetable, the case for marking by peer assessment, plus more from this week


Good as gold Olympic sailor Ben Ainslie chats about his education journey and how he turned his packed lunches into a money-making enterprise


Sibling rivalry Relationships between siblings can be positive and negative in schools – so how can staff make the most of the ‘sibling effect’?


Play your cards right What can a teacher learn from a professional gambler? A lot about decision making, says one poker player and cognitive psychologist


Cracking the code To solve the problem of students not engaging with written feedback, one school has introduced teacher videos accessed using QR codes


One step ahead The secret to school improvement isn’t sweeping changes – it’s small steps to build on what is already successful, says Paul K Ainsworth


Managing mergers Merging colleges is a complicated business – what are the pitfalls that leaders need to avoid to ensure a smooth transition?

Next week Boy, oh boy How can teachers tackle the gender gap in classroom engagement?