Regulars 6 The plenary 27 Growth mindset
required 31 Ruminating on research 98 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
38 Tes Further jobs 44 Tes Leadership 48 Tes jobs
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Te s 25 JUNE 2021
Coach and courses Why a life coach could be the wellbeing tool your school needs, how the DfE is ditching Letters and Sounds, plus more from
Enter the dragon Tes’ 10 questions: children’s laureate and How to Train Your Dragon author Cressida Cowell recalls discovering she was a writer aged 7
Poles apart The North-South divide in student attainment can’t be tackled by schools alone – it needs economic solutions, finds John Morgan
Repeat performance Asking students to repeat a year often has negative consequences, research warns – but could it be a solution for Covid catch-up?
Tackling sex abuse To stamp out ‘rape culture’, we need a national strategy – but school staff must also listen to their students, says expert Sophie King-Hill
Research revolution What’s the secret to making your school truly research-informed? Two academics set out four key principles for leaders to follow
Rise and SHINE Three winners of the Let Teachers SHINE awards outline their prize-winning projects to help FE students catch up after Covid
Next week Fully engaged What techniques to get students absorbed in their studies actually work?