10 The Globalized Jitters
Fighting for change in an anxious age Laurie Penny
22 A Tragedy of Manners
Trump and the new age of anti-PC transgression Angela Nagle
30 Tropical Depressions
On climate change and human futilitarianism Sam Kriss and Ellie Mae O’Hagan
40 Utopia Parkway
Mining the Midwest for the perfect laissez-faire social order Martha Bayne
48 The Art of the Heel
For god and country, wrestling and Donald Trump explained, f nally Mike Edison
66 The Crypto-Keepers
How the politics-by-app hustle conquered all Yasha Levine
82 The People, No
Repressing the ballot in the Granite State Zachary Roth
106 Lords of Misrule
How the legal profession became Wall Street’s helpmeet Matt Stoller
116 Academe on the
Auction Block Thinking at the behest of a new patron class David V. Johnson
130 Smoked Out
The great enclosure of the marijuana commons June Thunderstorm
140 The Military-Messaging
Complex Social media and the War on Terror Raf a Zakaria
160 Natural Human Behavior
Dispatches from the Northwest’s immigration dystopia Corey Pein
6 Total Quality Revolution
Consulting your way to the barricades Emmett Rensin
60 Future Fail
How to rescue ourselves from posterity Jacob Silverman
152 High Times in the
Car Barn District The past repurposed, yet again, in Chicagoland Mike Newirth
176 Secret Powers
On the limitations of the intel cult Chase Madar