Regulars 6 The plenary 27 Growth mindset

required 31 Ruminating on research 114 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


38 Tes Further jobs 44 Tes Leadership 48 Tes jobs

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Te s 28 MAY 2021


All work and no play? Why we need some fun in education right now, doubts over the new teacher wellbeing drive and the best of the rest from


Shappi memories Te s’ 10 questions: comedian Shappi Khorsandi recalls an ‘angel’ teacher who helped her to settle in England after her family had to flee Iran


What I go to school for The Covid school closures have sparked huge questions: what is the purpose of education? And how should we measure its value?


The lost boys Boys’ reluctance to seek help can be a factor in underachievement, says Mark Roberts, who offers tips to get them asking questions


Case of the ex The head of a school that hasn’t permanently excluded a student in 15 years explains the benefits of a ‘zero exclusions’ policy


Moderate to good With schools facing the pressure of moderation for teacher-assessed grades, experts offer advice on making it as painless as possible


Another level The launch of T levels would have been tough in a normal year – but Covid has added a host of unexpected challenges, finds Kate Parker

Next week Eating isn’t cheating How skipping lunch, as a busy teacher, risks tiredness and mental ill health