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The Baftler Thomas Frank, Keith White

editors Andy Beecham-Production Greg Lane-U rim Editor "Diamonds" Dave Mulcahey-Thummim Editor

Special thanks to WHPK, Bill Boisvert and Eric Iversen for extra editing, the Crey City Journal Monocle, "Twist" White, Gill's Cut Rate Liquors, DD&S Barbecue, Buzzmuscle, Galaxy of Mailbox Whores, Sabalon Glitz, and Ashtray Boy. We also want to thank everybody who wrote to us over the last year, even though we rarely had a chance to reply.

We produced this Baffler in November, 1993 in the tiny office ofWHPK-FM, crammed in the upper reaches of the ersatz-Gothic spire of the University of Chicago's Reynolds Clubhouse. The large screen of their computer and access to their gigantic record library made the task much easier than before. The nearby roof was perfect for cookouts and drunken stumbling.

"The Hippogryph Files," the selections from ANON and S.P.Y., and "Not the Plaster Casters," are printed with permission. Everything else © copyright 1993 The Baffler. All rights reserved. Our ISSN is 1059-9789. The Baffier is distributed by Ubiquity, Speedimpex, Fine Print, Small Changes, and Desert Moon.

The Baffler is published by its editors (and no one else) in the South Side of Chicago. Sometimes an unseemly long period elapses between issues (almost a year this time). But in the interim we are always up to something-parties, media pranks, newsletters, general troublemaking-which you can hear about by subscribing.

Subscriptions are $16 for the nexr four issues; single copies cost $5. Somewhat more for libraries. We strongly encourage readers to send us their essays, fiction, art, and poetry. Help us "Blunt the Cutting Edge." But we warn them in advance that, being extremely busy with our scholarly pursuits, we tend to be rather lax correspondents. To many of those who sent us material over the past months, we apologize for having taken so long--{)r having failed-to reply. We were not prepared for such a deluge of submissions, but we promise to do a better job in the future.