
6 Trial By Fire

How Nina Droz Franco became the face of Puerto Rican resistance Molly Crabapple

26 Self- Invasions and

the Invaded Self The hidden injuries of the age of exposure Rochelle Gurstein

82 Been Down So Long It Looks

Like Debt to Me An American family’s struggle for student loan redemption M.H. Miller

92 Speech Defects

How consumer marketing distorts democracy Jim Sleeper

36 A Thousand Unblinking Eyes

A history of cinema and surveillance from Fritz Lang to Michael Mann Nick Pinkerton

44 All EFF’d Up

Silicon Valley’s astroturf privacy shakedown Yasha Levine

7 4 Privatizing Poverty

How the poor became an alien population Kimberly Phillips-Fein

114 The White Man,

Unburdened How Charles Murray stopped worrying and learned to love racism Quinn Slobodian and Stuart Schrader

126 Big Brother’s Blind Spot

Mining the failures of surveillance tech Joanne McNeil


14 Nightmare Fuel

The fracking of America Alec MacGillis

20 The Needles and the

Damage Done The narrowfication of Manhattan architecture Aaron Timms

66 A Crime and a Pastime

The paranoid style in American skateboarding Hanson O’Haver 108 Material Witness

The novelist and the liar Amitava Kumar