6 Inauguration of the
Trumpian Beauty Contest The ends of a representative republic Jay Baron Nicorvo 16 The Revolution
Will Not Be Curated Making sense of curatolatry Thomas Frank 24 Psephology in Free Fall
Or why the polls tell you nothing you actually need to know Sam Kriss 34 The Hamilton Hustle
Why liberals have embraced our most dangerously reactionary founder Matt Stoller 52 Outsmarted
On the liberal cult of the cognitive elite Rick Perlstein 66 The Wrongest Profession
How economists have botched the promise of widely distributed prosperity—and why they have no intention of stopping now Dean Baker
76 From Russia, with Panic
Cozy bears, unsourced hacks— and a Silicon Valley shakedown Yasha Levine 92 The God in the Machine
It’s puppets vs. robots Tom Whyman 102 On Native Grounds
Standing Rock’s new spirit of protest Alexander Zaitchik 126 Trials and Errors
Inside the great forensic-science boondoggle Brandon L. Garrett 146 The Emperor’s New Corsets
The story behind a voyeuristic cult of prep-school self-improvement Carey Dunne
174 Against Everything
On Ivan Illich, scourge of the professions George Scialabba
44 Enemies of the People
How hatred of the masses bridges our partisan divide Angela Nagle 118 Strangers in a Cruel Land
The wretched state of immigration enforcement Matt Cameron
160 Digging Matriarchy
A case for female supremacy Lucy Ellmann