Regulars 6 The plenary 31 Growth mindset
required 35 Ruminating on research 146 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
42 Tes Further jobs 48 Tes Leadership 54 Tes jobs
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Te s 21 MAY 2021
The mask slips Safety fears over lifting the masks-in-classrooms rule, schools reveal their holiday catch-up plans and other top articles from
Colleges’ crusader Answering Tes’ 10 questions, AoC chief David Hughes talks of a teacher who sent him for cigarettes, and the FE funding crisis
A spanner in the works The authors of the EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit warn that a shift in government policy is needed to close the disadvantage gap
Let’s get writing right There is a problem with the way we teach writing – it is focused on mechanics, not the power of the written word, say two experts
Social savvy With a growing number of staff building their own brand on social media, Te s asks: what are the pitfalls of being a teacher influencer?
Golden retrieval Seeing the impact of retrieval quizzing in secondary, Ceri Eccles decided to try it in her primary school – with outstanding results
I got a feeling If leaders support teachers’ socioemotional intelligence, staff will better model ways for pupils to manage their feelings, says one academic
The training gender gap Employers are more likely to pay for work-based training for male staff, data shows – so what can be done to tackle this gender gap?
Next week What’s the purpose of education? John Morgan seeks answers to some big questions about our schools system