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required 37 Ruminating on research 146 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
44 Tes Further jobs 52 Tes Leadership 62 Tes jobs
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Te s 7 MAY 2021
The phoney war Why the call to ban mobiles is just government meddling, the learning value of ‘tidy-up time’ and the best of the rest from this week
Under inspection ISI chief inspector Vanessa Ward talks of being shamed at school and the need for a curriculum review as she answers Te s’ 10 questions
Fight or flight path? The practice of giving students ‘flight paths’ and target grades limits their academic ambitions, warns Megan Mansworth
The impact of long Covid Students with long Covid could go absent from class or struggle with their learning – so how can schools support them?
Tribal instinct An anthropologist who has lived with hunter-gatherers in the Congo says the way they learn offers lessons for schools in the UK
The science of storytelling To help his students get to grips with complex concepts in science, Lewis Stewart turned these processes into memorable stories
Man United we stand A head who interviewed Premier League managers explains why school leadership is much like managing a top football club
A vote of confidence With fewer young people exercising their democratic right, experts offer ideas on how colleges can encourage students to vote
Next week What makes a great school leader? To help staff wary of stepping up to leadership, experts explain what is required