5 Welcome from the Editors
Introduction by James Gavin and Ian Lewis
6 Energy and power
overview DATA SECTION Electricity access rates across the continent and other energy-related data
10 Interview
VERA SONGWE Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the UN’s Economic Commission for Africa
18 Regional profile
LOOK EAST A profile of the energy landscape of East Africa and projects in the pipeline
20 Policy developments
PUSHING BOUNDARIES A number of progressive projects are seeing East Africa countries blaze a trail
24 Regional profile
UNEVEN PROGRESS North Africa offers great conditions for renewables, but strategies differ wildly
26 Policy developments
PLANNING FOR A SURGE IN DEMAND Renewables, gas, nuclear and coal are all part of energy policies across North Africa
30 Regional profile
COAL IS KING – FOR NOW Southern Africa is trying to shake its addiction to fossil fuel as it looks for cleaner energy
32 Policy developments
SERIOUS POWER PLANNING Though a huge task, Southern Africa is stepping up investment in electricity projects
36 Regional profile
COOPERATION COULD UNLEASH POWER POTENTIAL The World Bank says increased integration is needed in West Africa to maximise power generation
38 Policy developments
CONTRASTING PRIORITIES ACROSS THE REGION Gas, hydro and solar are all investment targets in the West African energy landscape
40 Interview
TAKING POWER TO THE PEOPLE Damilola Ogunbiyi on her efforts to encourage the private sector to invest in West African projects
46 Interview
ALEXANDRE DIAS MONTEIRO Cabo Verde’s Minister for Industry, Trade and Energy on the country’s power strategy
48 Interview
MAMI DUFIE OFORI Executive Secretary of Ghana’s Public Utilities Regulatory Commission
53 Renewables
RISING TO THE CHALLENGE African states are seizing the opportunity to meet fast-rising power demand with clean energy
58 Financing schemes
PRIVATE PROGRESS Financiers are finding new ways of attracting private investors to African power projects
AFRICAN BUSINESS AFRICAN ENERGY SUPPLEMENT IC PUBLICATIONS 7 Coldbath Square London EC1R 4LQ Tel: +44 20 7841 3210 EDITORS: Ian Lewis James Gavin SUB-EDITOR: Graeme Allen ART DIRECTOR: Marion Tempest PRODUCTION: Sophie Dillon
60 Interview MAMADOU GOUMBLE Wärtsilä’s Vice President for Africa provides insights on how to accelerate energy projects on the continent
63 Interview
HUSSAIN AL NOWAIS AMEA Power’s Chairman says this is not time for the continent to reign in its energy ambitions
66 Power transmission
MAKING THE CONNECTION Progress is finally being made on improving African transmission infrastructure
68 Energy integration
POOLING POWER Energy integration is on the agenda, including the World Bank’s moves to support the West Africa Power Pool
70 Interview
RENTIA VAN TONDER Standard Bank’s Head of Power on how the bank has become the continent’s most active funder
72 Utilities
HOW MUCH POWER IS ENOUGH? Restructuring has helped the fortunes of some public utilities, but others remain big loss-makers
SUBSCRIPTIONS Webscribe Unit 4, College Business Park College Road North Aston Clinton, HP22 5EZ UK Telephone: + 44 (0) 1442 820580 PRINTERS Roularta Media Group Meensesteenweg 300 8800 Roeselare, Belgium Copyright © 2019 IC Publications Ltd ISSN 0142-9345 N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0320 K 89343 Mensuel: Juillet 2019 Dépôt légal