Regulars 6 The plenary 29 Growth mindset
required 33 Ruminating on research 122 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
40 Tes Further jobs 44 Tes Leadership 52 Tes jobs
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Te s 16 APRIL 2021
Frozen out How the pay freeze could lead to teachers quitting, the role of PE in getting pupils active again and other top articles from
Racing ahead Tackling Te s’ 10 questions, TV host and horse-racing presenter Clare Balding talks of her journey from shoplifter to head girl
Spot the difference Differentiation is a key tool in helping individual pupils to bridge their Covid learning gaps – but are teachers using it correctly?
Tutor triumphs With tutoring the focus of national catch-up efforts, Irena Barker examines the evidence on the impact of different approaches
New kids on the block To solve the problem of KS3 history assessment giving ‘meaningless’ data, Samuel Atkinson-Sporle decided to create ‘building blocks’
Look after yourself Every leader aims to put their pupils first, but we must focus on our own wellbeing to best serve children, says Mark Leppard
Feeling super phonics The idea of using phonics in FE was controversial, but the primary school method of teaching reading has been adapted with success
Next week The truth about exclusions What the research tells us about who is being excluded from school and why