Regulars 6 The plenary 33 Growth mindset

required 37 Ruminating on research 114 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


44 Tes Further jobs 48 Tes Leadership 56 Tes jobs

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Te s 26 FEBRUARY 2021


Face facts How to get students to stick to the latest face mask rules, questions about new teaching-school hubs and other top articles from


A pillar of support Tackling Te s’ 10 questions, Unison’s Jon Richards talks about being mischievous in class and why school support staff are so important


Culture shock We can’t talk about improving disadvantaged pupils’ ‘cultural capital’ without tackling the wider issue of child poverty, says Danielle Jones


Failing grades Amid the uncertainty over how qualifications will be awarded, Jared Cooney Horvath and David Bott ask: should we get rid of grades?


Go compare Analogies help learners to understand and retain information, studies show – so here’s how you can make the most of analogical reasoning


Get creative Creativity is a slippery customer in schools, but two leaders explain how they have developed an evidence-based approach to teaching it


A joint statement For a vision statement to be effective, pupils and the wider school community need to be involved in drafting it, says Matt Payne


Level best Recognising that learners at level 1 can struggle with motivation and focus, one college changed its approach – with outstanding results

Next week Catch your breath Why Covid catch-up is a complicated problem with no quick fixes