Regulars 6 The plenary 27 Ruminating on research 31 Growth mindset required 162 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
38 Tes Further jobs 42 Tes Leadership 52 Tes jobs
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Te s 19 FEBRUARY 2021
You’re welcome How to greet pupils in online lessons, why a ‘behaviour crackdown’ isn’t a good idea and other top articles from this week
Rockin’ the recorder In the hotseat for Tes’ 10 questions, rock star Cerys Matthews recalls getting hooked on the recorder and a painful game of British bulldog
Literacy losses Teenagers aren’t getting the literacy support they need – all teachers in secondary should be part of the solution, says Jessie Ricketts
The test of time Students who think they’re ‘bad at exams’ could perform less well because they process information more slowly, research suggests
Spellbound Doubtful about the learning impact of spelling tests, Ann Jago devised a new approach to spelling that has helped to foster a love of words
Primary responsibility If you’re a new primary teacher, you could quickly find yourself leading a subject – so Matthew Lane has some words of advice
Refugee rescue How Colleges of Sanctuary supports young refugees starting their education journey in the UK – and helps them to settle here
Next week Unmaking the grade What would happen if we got rid of grades once and for all?