Regulars 6 The plenary 31 Growth mindset

required 35 Ruminating on research 142 Cryptic crossword and Quiz


42 Tes Further jobs 48 Tes Leadership 60 Tes jobs

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Te s 12 FEBRUARY 2021


Case closed? The danger of thinking ‘schools are closed’, how Covid could affect pupils’ future earnings and other top articles from


Listen to the teachers Tackling Te s’ 10 questions, NEU president Robin Bevan talks about disadvantage and the need for ministers to listen to the profession


Time to reboot Asking pupils to remain in the same year group for another year would help us to tackle lost learning, says Judith Boyd


Not worth the effort Simply urging students to put in ‘more effort’ is pointless – we need to show them where to focus their energy, writes Amy Forrester


No man’s land? Men in the female-dominated primary sector have often fallen victim to stereotyping – but this could now be a thing of the past


Strong right hook Hooks at the start of lessons can help learning, but they must give pupils background information and context, explains Stella Jones


Friend or foe? Stepping up to leadership could test your friendship with your old staffroom buddies – so Adam Woodward offers some advice


Health checks With a spike in applications for health and social care courses and study restricted by Covid, Te s looks at how colleges are coping

Next week Reading between the lines How can teachers address the literacy problem in secondary schools?