Regulars 6 The plenary 31 Growth mindset
required 35 Ruminating
on research 142 Cryptic crossword
and Quiz
42 Tes Further jobs 46 Tes Leadership 52 Tes jobs
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4 Tes 5 FEBRUARY 2021
Puppy love The teachers’ pets delivering online lessons, how drawing can be used to boost learning and all the other top articles from
Meera’s hero Actor, comedian and playwright Meera Syal, in tackling Te s’ 10 questions, recalls a kind teacher who always looked out for her
Observation nation With new research casting doubt on the value of current lesson observations, should schools get rid of them?
Don’t cut corners Creating a reading corner does improve children’s literacy – as long as it doesn’t take up too much of the teacher’s time, say researchers
Feminism focus English teacher Helen Mars explains how she is embedding the principles of feminism in every classroom at her school
In the black As schools struggle to plug the gaps in their finances created by Covid, one headteacher offers advice on making savings
Climate for action What can the college sector do to keep the climate emergency on its agenda and help towards positive change?
Next week Wasted effort Why teachers must be careful about asking students to put in ‘more effort’