Polish trio Sutari performing to a
virtual audience
32 Ustad Saami
T o m
A s k e w -
M i l l
e r
A d a m
W ó j t e k
20 The COVID-19 Effect
69 Dispatch from
San Francisco
K e n
F r i
e d m a n
UPFRONT 06 Top of the World CD 08 What’s New 14 Folk Focus 15 Spotlight:
Bandcamp Fridays 16 Introducing...
Made Kuti & Cocanha 18 Simon Says 19 Letters
30 Electric Jalaba
FEATURES 20 The COVID-19 Effect
The music industry’s response to the pandemic 26 Gospel Revival
Delving deep into the resurgence of sacred song 30 Electric Jalaba
London-based Gnawa unit get charged up 32 Ustad Saami
The legacy of Pakistan’s shruti master 36 Café Türk
Going underground with the cult Turkish outfit
the cult Turkish outfit
REVIEWS 40 Africa 42 Americas 46 Europe 52 Asia 53 Middle East 54 Fusion 58 Classical & Jazz 59 World Cinema 60 Live reviews
62 My World:
Veri Sharp 65 Postcard from
Kerala, India 66 Beginner’s Guide
to Ballaké Sissoko 68 Quickfire 69 Dispatch from
San Francisco, US 70 My Instrument:
Hamid El Kasri 71 Soapbox 74 Essential 10:
Gospel Albums
“As copyright law currently
stands it seems there is little redress against the technological mimicry of the
AI industry’s ‘deepfakes’”
Nigel Williamson warns against the sinister spectre of AI imitation, see p71