Regulars6 The weekly

plenary 31 Growth mindset

required 37 Ruminating

on research 90 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


44 Tes Further jobs 46 Tes Leadership 50 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 11 DECEMBER 2021

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Yule miss the party Reasons to lament the lack of festivities, advice on giving your headteacher a Christmas card, plus more from this week

Your good elf If you feel uncomfortable playing along with the great Santa Claus lie, rest assured that it’s in pupils’ best interests, says Jeff Standley

The Covid revolution It’s been a tough year for teachers – but the creativity and innovation that they’ve shown in this crisis has changed education forever

Bah, humbug? Schools are wrongly accused of ‘cancelling Christmas’ for the sake of inclusivity – although they do need to be sensitive to all beliefs

Neutral territory What can early years teachers do to ensure that their provision is gender-neutral? Amy Byrne shares her research-based approach

Tackling racism To help teachers lead classroom discussions about racial inequality, Adam Ferner and Darren Chetty offer nine key pieces of advice

Disruptive influence Middle leaders should hold SLTs to account, says Kaley Macis – as she explains how they can ‘positively disrupt’ senior leadership

Animal magic With many schools introducing pets to boost pupil wellbeing, some colleges have taken their lead – and seen a man about a dog

Next week Tes person of the year After the most challenging 12 months in education, who’s made the shortlist?