Regulars 6 The weekly
plenary 31 Growth mindset
required 37 Ruminating on research 118 Cryptic crossword and Quiz
44 Tes Further jobs 46 Tes Leadership 50 Tes jobs
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Te s 27 NOVEMBER 2020
Sitting comfortably? Doubts about Covid advice to seat pupils in rows; what your clothes say about you as a teacher; and the best of the rest from
The trouble with ‘tolerance’ The British Values framework talks of ‘tolerance’ – but this doesn’t encourage a positive attitude to diversity, says Megan Mansworth
Natural learners? Is learning in-built, or are there some things that humans simply have to be taught? John Morgan looks at the evidence
Warm welcome The way you greet your pupils at the start of a lesson can have a big impact on learning and student-teacher relationships, studies show
Expert ease How ‘cognitive apprenticeships’ – whereby teachers model specialist thought processes – can get students thinking like experts
My word Primary teacher Sally Kawagoe set out to identify the words most commonly used in classrooms – and was surprised by her findings
Gang warfare A ‘gang’ culture can develop in leadership, spreading fear through a school – but there are ways to combat it, says Maria Williamson
Peace of mindset The evidence for using the ‘growth mindset’ approach with 16-19 students is limited – so should colleges continue with it?
Next week System failure Vulnerable pupils are falling through gaps in our support system – can we fix it?