Regulars6 The weekly

plenary 25 Growth mindset

required 31 Ruminating

on research 114 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


38 Tes Further jobs 40 Tes Leadership 48 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 20 NOVEMBER 2020

6 14 20 26 28 32 34

Too close to call The Department for Education on school closures, why teachers are ‘kicking butt’ right now and all the best bits from

Two steps forward It is believed students learn best if you pitch the content just beyond their ability – but what happens if you set the bar even higher?

The power of prosody Prosody – the stress, intonation and rhythm of speech – can be used by teachers to boost students’ recall of information, studies show

Quick thinking Even early years pupils can benefit from metacognition – thinking about your own learning, says Dulcinea Norton-Morris

Streaks ahead Do classroom reward schemes provide helpful motivation or pave the way to addiction? Simon Creasey examines the evidence

Recovery position Designing a curriculum that can flex with the ever-changing Covid rules isn’t easy, but it can be done, says this subject leader

Let’s talk about sex, FE Relationships and sex education is not compulsory in 16-19 settings, when it’s arguably needed most. So, what can colleges do?

Next week Do it yourself Is self-directed learning innate, or is a certain amount of instruction essential?