Regulars6 The weekly

plenary 31 Growth mindset

required 39 Ruminating

on research 102 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


46 Tes Further jobs 48 Tes Leadership 54 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 16 OCTOBER 2020

6 14 18 26 32 34 40 42

Pane and suffering Do you really have to keep your classroom windows open all through winter? Plus the best of the rest from this week

Grief encounter Josh Benjamin describes how he helped one of his pupils process the death of a sibling – and what that pupil taught him about empathy

The motherhood myth Teachers are often assumed to have – or want – children. Three child-free teachers tell Grainne Hallahan why this is so damaging

Original concept When do children develop an awareness of their own ability, and how does it affect them? Christina Quaine investigates

Brave reviews Whole-class feedback seems made for socially distanced classrooms, but giving it takes confidence, as Rebecca Brett Harris explains

Chair despair One-size-fits-all school furniture is hindering learning and even causing physical pain. What can schools do, asks Simon Creasey

IT issues How do you take the I-shaped specialists on your staff and transform them into multiskilled T-shaped leaders? Jo Clemmet has six tips

Don’t resist the resit Building up trust with reluctant GCSE resit students is vital, but it’s a process that can’t be rushed or faked, finds Grainne Hallahan

Next week The inclusion illusion Could your teaching methods be prejudiced against certain pupils?