Contents l i t z a
P a
K r i s t i n
Agenda Making the news this month
8 Canada quits Afghanistan, almost 9 South Sudan: what now for Africa’s newest country? 10 Bedding down freedom in Tunisia 11 Burmese mothers told: ‘Do not add water!’ 12 Walls of shame, destined to fail 13 Naming the dead in Mexico
Analysis Special feature: Men for gender equality
14 Cooking up a storm Men’s willingness to address how they see themselves is bringing change for the women in their lives, too. Nikki van der Gaag offers a global perspective.
18 Reaching out with both hands Gary Barker on helping young men break out of cycles of violence.
22 Boy talk… A lighthearted look at some not-so-great expectations. 23 No longer a fairytale
Researchers Mark McCormack and Eric Anderson on a generation of men who are unafraid of showing affection.
H a n d o u t
/U N M
l k a c K u
Mi m
R e u t e r s/T
i s
I m a g e S h o p /C o r b
Also in Analysis 25 Fields of burning gold Danny Chivers with the lowdown on fuelcrops. Are any of them any good?
30 Branching out Biofuels, including those still in the pipeline,
at a glance.
20 The prison that is patriarchy
South African activist Mbuyiselo Botha’s rallying call to his fellow men.
Eric Miller
4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● J U LY/AU GUS T 2 011