THE LADY established 1885 • No 6406


Features 12 Sara Pascoe The stand-up comedian

tells us about her journey to success – and her secret marriage 28 Great Lives

A life of scandal and four marriages did not hinder the woman who became known as ‘Lady Killmore’ 32 Gardening Royalty

How plants helped the TV presenter Mark Lane overcome disability 40 Nadiya Hussain Delicious new recipes

from the Great British Bake Off winner 50 Close to Home Great ideas for luxury

breaks around Britain 55 Competition Win a fantastic spa break

for two in Wales 60 Attention Please!

A common childhood condition can also affect adults, and a story of musical inspiration 79 Retirement Special

Our guide to choosing the best place to live in later life Regulars 6 Lady Loves...

Autumnal treats 8 Her Indoors

Mary Killen 10 Letters 18 The Curmudgeon A woman’s handbag is

the window to her soul 20 Modern Manners Thomas Blaikie 25 The Debate

Should you snitch on your neighbours? 26 Liz Hodgkinson Why can’t the young

46 Notes from a Kitchen

Sue Bailey 48 Ivo Uncorked

Mine’s a magnum 56 Fashion

New coats for autumn 58 Beauty

Armand Beasley 64 Health & Wellbeing Stephanie Unthank 108 Horoscopes Victor Olliver 122 First Impressions Joanne Harris

Reviews 66 Bookshelf The best new reads 69 Books of Life

Maggie Alderson 70 Art

The visionary ideas of the great John Ruskin 73 Art

Gauguin and the Impressionists at the Royal Academy 74 Places to visit Rebecca Wallersteiner 75 Television Robert Sloan 76 Films Jason Solomons 77 Radio Louis Barfe

Puzzles 109 Wordsearch and

Codebreaker 110 The Ladygram

Challenge Win a beautiful boxed skincare set 114 Crosswords 118 Spot the Difference 119 Bridge 120 Solutions

Classifieds 96 Holiday lets, positions

vacant and much more

cope with free speech? 37 Him on the Farm

Robin Page 38 Gardener's Diary Ciar Byrne

Subscriptions 36 Subscribe and receive

a free gift of Rosie Ruby eau de toilette