Regulars6 The weekly

plenary 31 Growth mindset

required 37 Ruminating

on research 98 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


44 Tes Further jobs 48 Tes Leadership 56 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 18 SEPTEMBER 2020

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Plan of action What really happens when a student tests positive for Covid-19, the perils of teachers on TikTok, and all the other top articles from

Tackling racism If we really want antiracist education then we need more BAME teachers and more diverse content, writes Nuzhat Uthmani

The way forward After six months of chaos, trust between the key players in education is at an all-time low. How can we repair the damage and move on?

Wanna be Ms Popular? With research suggesting that children learn more with a teacher they like, Te s asks: what’s the secret to being popular with pupils?

Small fortunes Smaller classes boost the wellbeing of both pupils and teachers, according to research that could help schools post-lockdown

Mind the gaps Finding out that I have aphantasia – meaning that I can’t create a mental picture – taught me an important lesson, says Zoe Enser

HoDs and ends What are the pitfalls of a head of department’s job? One teacher who stepped down from the role admits where he went wrong

Brain gain How research in the field of neuroscience could help college lecturers to create the best possible learning environments

Next week Cut the nonsense How can school leaders stop staff using false teaching techniques?