Regulars6 The weekly

plenary 27 Ruminating on

research 33 Growth mindset

required 74 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


40 Tes Further jobs 42 Tes Leadership 44 Tes jobs

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4 Te s 11 SEPTEMBER 2020

6 14 22 28 30 34 36

Leading from the front How to teach without moving around the classroom, supporting wellbeing post-lockdown and the best of the rest from

In need of assistants? With schools keen to catch up, teaching assistant-led interventions can be helpful – but be wary of the dangers, says Rob Brewster

Full of bull Schools need to cut the bullshit jargon – it is confusing and distracts from teaching and learning, warns researcher André Spicer

A turn-up for the books How can we inspire a love of reading in a pupil who won’t pick up a book? Tap into their interests, suggests Nicola Mansfield-Niemi

Best behaviour Returning from lockdown, a ‘regulate, relate and reason’ approach can help to manage behaviour issues, suggests Mary Meredith

Fine lines Being a line manager is about striking a balance between collaborating with staff and holding them to account, writes principal Jo Facer

Ahead of the game Is a new BTEC in esports the path to exciting careers in a growing industry? Or just an excuse for students to play video games?

Next week Wanna be adored? Should teachers worry about whether they are popular with pupils?