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4 Te s 14 AUGUST 2020
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Magic moments Finding the joy in socially distanced learning, why you need a ‘just- in-case’ drawer, plus more of the best from this week
Gratitude adjustment Denied the usual in-person farewells, Year 11s write to their teachers to express their thanks for everything schools have given them
The digital divide Reflecting on a tough year, Louise Lewis says switching to online learning was one of the steepest learning curves of her career
Get the picture Resources featuring images are often used with SEND pupils – but these can benefit all children in learning to read, says Sarah Butler
Personality clash Personality can affect academic results – yet teachers can help pupils to suspend certain traits to achieve success, research suggests
Leading light ‘Light leadership’ gives teachers the time to research their practice and rediscover their passion for the job, writes Rachael Hardcastle
A way with words To encourage learners resitting GCSE English to discover a love of reading, one college has surrounded them with words
Next week Testing times After the ordeal of lockdown, should new students have to sit benchmark tests?