plenary 20 Ruminating
on research 24 Growth mindset
required 66 Cryptic crossword
and Quiz
30 Tes Further jobs 36 Tes Leadership 38 Tes jobs
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4 Te s 10 JULY 2020
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One way or another Why a one-way system may not be the best option for schools, the best presents teachers can receive, plus more from this week
By the bias Trusting in your gut is lauded as a good thing – but Pragya Agarwal explains why unconscious bias should make you wary of your instincts
Habitual thinking Picking up tics from your teaching mentors is to be expected – but experts warn that you could inherit the bad along with the good
Maths media With maths questions becoming increasingly word heavy, number skills are not the only things being tested, warns Christian Bokhove
Benevolent RULER A head explains how his primary school has adopted a distinct approach to helping pupils manage their own mental wellbeing
Keeping mums Balancing teacher training with childcare is tricky, but not impossible. Here are six tips to help trainees find a balance
It ’s good to talk Post-pandemic, it’s possible that leaders will have to tackle more emotional conversations than usual. Two leaders offer their tips
Howdy, partners How a partnership between a sixth-form college group and a finance company is giving young people the chance to get a degree and skills
Next week New to the game Advice for teachers starting out in schools after a very odd training year