
plenary 23 Ruminating

on research 27 Growth mindset

required 74 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


34 Tes Further jobs 36 Tes Leadership 38 Tes jobs

6 10 18 24 28 30

The Sages on safety Tackling government transparency on school reopenings. Plus: how to harness humanity for blended learning and more from this week

Feeling connected? Home learning has forced families to get more involved in children’s education – but has tech improved parent-school relationships?

Body check Teacher body language can have a big influence on behaviour – the wrong posture can result in classroom disruption, research shows

Seeking independence Want to nurture independent learners? One teacher explains how metacognitive skills have made her students more resilient

Enjoy a flutter The beauty of the butterfly approach to CPD, with teachers flitting between classrooms to share their expertise

Research revolution How a pioneering scheme inviting staff to lead funded research projects is helping to raise standards at one college


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4 Te s 26 JUNE 2020

Next week Pregnant pause Coping with the stress of teaching while pregnant – a survival guide