Make a… bouquet brooch
Step 1
STITCH the brooch design in the centre of a 9x7cm (3½x2¾in) piece of 14 count plasticaida, using two strands for the cross stitch, one for the backstitch andonefortheFrenchknots.
Step 2
CUT aroundthedesign,leavingone unstitched square of plastic aida
aroundtheflowers–usesmall scissors, workingoneblock at a time, and avoid cuttingany stitches.
Step 3
LAY the stitched plastic aida on the felt, then trim a 9x7cm (3½x2¾in) pieceofgreen felt so it fits the back of thestitching.Usingfabricglue,attach the felt to the back of the bouquet. Ensure the edges are stuck firmly.
Step 4
USE a length of green stranded cotton to firmly sew a brooch back to the felt on the back of the stitching.
Turn over to start your mini summer sampler!