Contents Issue 289 July 2020

Up front 1 Editorial 6 Contributors 8 Letters plus ’ cartoon strip

Opinions 10 Truth has its revenge 11 The Covid-19 race riddle 12 Schumpeter’s virus

AT LAW 13 A clash in the workplace

SPOTLIGHT ON CHINA 14 Power play in the Himalayas

SPEED DATA 15 Age dwarfs other Covid risks

Cover story

The Corona Wars 16 The new battle for democracy The lure of authoritarianism plus

24 Move fast and break things Europe’s new generation of Corona-leaders


THE DUEL Could Covid-19 kill off the EU?


30 The warning Why didn’t we learn from the lessons of Ebola?

34 The next pandemic How a deadly virus will leak out of a lab

38 PROSPECT PORTRAIT A rooted life Monty Don’s unconventional path

44 Breaking point Mental health services were already stretched. Then coronavirus hit

48 American carnage Trump has pulled a country apart, but that doesn’t mean Biden can beat him

54 Venezuela’s two presidents The Latin American revolution that wasn’t