Regulars 6 The weekly

plenary 21 Ruminating on

research 25 Growth mindset

required 74 Cryptic crossword

and Quiz


32 Tes Further jobs 36 Tes Leadership 40 Tes jobs







KIT and caboodle How to navigate keeping-in-touch days during the pandemic, the case for teaching in tents, plus more of the best from

Out of touch Physical proximity is usually an essential part of school life – so how can teachers cope with social distancing?

The confidence trick Teachers tend to think that boosting pupils’ confidence improves results – but, as Irena Barker discovers, it’s a balancing act

Top of the tree A scheme in which primary pupils are being given oak tree seeds to plant in derelict spaces in Glasgow is looking to branch out

Power to the people The traditional school hierarchy stifles teacher creativity, says Kulvarn Atwal – distributed leadership is the way forward

For your information When one college saw students struggling to access their data on its information system, it asked them to help build a new one

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4 Tes 5 JUNE 2020

Next week Fighting fake news How can we teach students to spot misinformation online?