

Agenda Making the news this month

9 The Ollanta and Keiko show

Peru’s presidential run-off heats up.

10 Turkey: a political milestone for Kurdish voices 12 The scandal of Canada’s 4,000 ‘disposable’


P h o t o i l i c i/A P

O z b

B u r h a n

Analysis Special feature: The rise of the far right

14 Eyes to the far right Extremists have been making inroads across Europe with a sanitized version of some very dirty politics. K Biswas looks into the heart of the beast.

Also in Analysis 26 Holidays in Rwanda Ten years after fleeing his home country, Jean

Kayigamba makes an emotional return.


lH a c k e t t/R e u t e r s

P a u


18 Tea and paranoia Politicians in the US and Australia play the anti-immigration card. 21 In the shadows

Yassean Mohammed tells Rowenna Davis how he survived a racist attack.

22 The worst of the West The ‘mainstream’ players peddling a politics of hate. 24 Pride and prejudice

Nikolai Alexeyev knows only too well that in eastern Europe the far right has a homophobic edge

4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● J U N E 2 011

29 The A word Uri Gordon offers insight into what anarchism – a word bandied about carelessly by the press – really means.

