Regulars 6 The weekly
plenary 23 Ruminating
on research 27 Growth mindset
required 106 Cryptic crossword
and Quiz
34 Tes Further jobs 38 Tes Leadership 42 Tes jobs
Supporting students Five ways to look after young people’s mental health, a guide to what pupils find difficult about remote learning, plus more from
Back to school? Tes takes a look at what the science says about the impact of school closures on the pandemic and the level of risk teachers may face
You’re the voice Tone of voice is even more important at a time of remote learning, and getting that tone right is more difficult than you might think
Sing, sing, sing Music is enjoying a resurgence as schools harness its ability to maintain connections – could this be good news for the subject post-pandemic?
Things can only get better Jennie Devine, an international school head in Italy, reflects on what she’s learned from leading in a lockdown, and what she’ll take with her
Mindset for success How a new approach to GCSE resits is paying off at one college – even if they don’t have the exam season this summer to prove it
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4 Tes 15 MAY 2020
Next week Multitasking for problems Why multitasking is impossible – and could even hinder learning