
Hardenberg, Prince Karl pantheism 26

von 96, 98, 111

Hegel, G. W. F.

Phenomenology of Spirit,

The 19, 52,55--65, 77

Absolute, the 48

born 4

absolute knowledge 56, 63, dies 147

Philosophical Propaedeutic



education 5, 8-9


Altenstein, Baron von 96-7, family 4-6


father dies 46

of art 124-37

as a circle 90

anti-semitism 1 01

Aristotle 76

art 124-37

illegitimate son 72-3

marries 72

of history 114

of nature 120-4

newspaper editor 68-9 Philosophy of Right 103, professorship 93 107-9

Bastille, fall of 16, 18

recognition 92

Pinel, Philippe 7

Bible, criticism 39

sister 3-7

poetry 131


Boehme, Jakob 50, 123, teaching 20, 24, 71, 74 political economy 22


decline 148

politics 21, 97, 99-101

positivity 36, 38, 146

Categorical Imperative 35 split 149

Christianity 35-7, 106 Hess, Moses 150

Positivity of Christian

Religion, The 36

Church vs. State 34

civil society 1 09

consciousness 58, 62

contradiction 83-5

Critical Journal of

Philosophy 49

historical materialism 152 psychotherapy 7

history 58

philosophy of 114-17 rational, the 112

Holderlin, Friedrich 12-13, Raumer, Friedrich von 92

24-8, 37

Reason 44, 62, 122, 152

religion 139

Critiques, the (Kant) 29-32 idealism 49, 58

desire 59

irony 134, 135

dialectical thinking 78 Jena 46, 51, 54

and art 132-3

philosophy of 138

politics of 143

triadic history 142

economics 22

Encyclopaedia of the

Jesus Christ 36-7

Judaism 37

see also Bible, criticism;

Church vs. State; God;

Jesus Christ

Philosophical Sciences Kant, Immanuel 28-35, Romanticism 45

in Outline 94-5

42-3, 44, 87

Engels, Friedrich 152-3 knowing defined 88

Enlightenment, the 44-5 knowledge 31

Schelling, Friedrich 13, 18,


Fauerbach, Ludwig 151

Fichte, Johann 11 , 33,


see also absolute


Schlegel, Friedrich 135

Schleiermacher, Friedrich


Lectures on Aesthetics 124 science 122

First Programme for a Life of Jesus 35

Science of Logic 74, 82,

System of German

Idealism 38

logic 32, 76-87, 95, 123 88, 92

self-realization 58


consciousness 59

evolution of 106

Marx, Karl 110, 152-4 social ethics 108

master and slave 60-1 Spinoza, Baruch de 39-41

metaphysics 32, 40

spirit 63, 95

French Revolution


mind, the 95

morality 108

Spirit of Christianity and its

Fate, The 37

and history 114

stages of 117-18

mystic diagrams 140-1 State, the 34, 38, 104-5

subjectivity 59

and the State 1 04

Napoleon 53-5, 68, 98 sublation 81, 139

French Revolution 16, 29, nature 95, 120-5

System of Science 52


Niethammer, F. 52, 54, 70 Novalis 135 totality 79-81

Germany 1 0-11

God 40, 91,139

one-in-all 78

Goethe, J. W. von 14-16 oppression 61 Greeks, knowledge of 14

panlogicism 145

triadic structure 86-7

truth 29, 32, 40-1 , 84, 139

universality 84-5

universe, the 31