Index Agan, the 87 aition63 Alexander the Great 14, 18 Andronicus of Rhodes 26-7 aporia 25 Aquinas, Thomas 90 166 Aristotle '
background 4-8 dies 21 education 6-9 marries 10 today 173 tutor to Alexander 14 Aristotelianism declines 167 art 150-5 assumptions 96 Atomists 58 Bacon, Francis 167 being 73
see also existence Bekker, Immanuel 26 Boyle, Robert 167, 170 brain, the 112 Categories, the 48-52 , 55 cause 60, 64-7 change 54-62, 65 city state, the 138-4 7 consciousness 102, 108 consequentialism 118 contemplation 123 contradiction 78 deductive inference 77, 79 definition 38, 44-53, 71 democracy 142 deontology 118 Descartes, Rene 169 descriptions vs . definitions
38 determinism 92-3 dialectic, the 86 Doctrine of the Mean
128-30 dynamics 102 education 148-50 Eleatics, the 30-1 , 47-8, 52 emotions 124-9 empiricism 36, 94, 167, 170 epistemology 35 ethics 118-19, 124,134 eudaimonia 120, 124, 141 existence 42-3 exoterics, the 23
family , the 138-9 form 56, 69 Four Causes , the 64-7 free will 107 generosity 130-1 God 91-2 government see politics grammar 48-9 happiness 123 heart , the 112 Hegel, G.W .F. 87 hierarchy
of being 90 of knowledge 88-91 ideal forms 34 Idealism 43 imagination 114 inductive argument 84-5 Kant, Immanuel 171-3 katharsis 157 knowledge 75, 167-73 language 40-1 , 7 4
see also grammar logic 74-5, 163
see also determinism Lyceum, the 17-18, 26 matter and form 56 memory 114 metaphysics 29, 35, 39, 70 middle class 147 mimesis 154 mind, the 109 monism 31 moon, the 100, 103, 104 nature of things 62 Nichomachus
father of A. 4 son of A. 12 nous 89 ontology 35, 39 Organon, The 74 peripatetics, the 18 Ph_ilip of Macedon 9, 14, 16 philosophy 123, 163-4 Plato 6-9, 34, 53, 151-2 pleasure 122 poiesi s 155 politics 137-50 potential vs. actual 72
Principle of Excluded Middle 81-2 Non-Contradiction 81-2 propositions 88-9 psychology 106-11 Pythagoras' theorem 77-8 rationality 7 4 realists and reality 30 reason 115-16, 124 reductio;iism 37, 58-60 relativists 30 rhetoric 160-1 rules of thought 81 scholasticism 167 science 73, 75-7, 94, 98
and the Categor ies 51 sea, the 105 senses, the 111, 113 slavery 136, 142-3 Socrates 6, 19, 86 Sophists, the 30, 43 soul, the 106, 11 0, 125-7 space and time 33 species 71-2, 76 state , the 131, 149
see also city state, the Supreme Being 73, 123
see also God syllogisms 77, 79-80 techne 153 teleology 13, 57-62 ' thisness' 46-7 time and space 33 ultimate reality 35 unity of action, the 158 universals 46, 53 universe 99- 101, 103 vices 129 virtue 126-35, 173 women 96, 136 works of A. 26, 29, 165 Zeno of Elea 31-3, 99