sis bk Medical Secretary gives something
back to research and treatment
Sylvia’s friends remembered her for her kind heart, and her strong desire to help others. Even though she suffered lifelong poor health, while also caring for her critically ill mother.
But Sylvia did more than put on a brave face: she struck back against illness by working as a medical secretary, and following medical advances keenly. That’s how she found out that with conditions such as stroke, the right treatment and back-up can make all the difference when given promptly.
So it’s not surprising Sylvia decided that one of the best things she could do would be to strike back again, by supporting the work of the Stroke Association – and leave us a generous gift in her Will.
To d a y , w e t a k e t i m e t o r e m e m b e r h e r. B e c a u s e S y l v i a i s s t i l l p l a y i n g an important part in helping us create a future free of stroke, and turn around the lives of thousands of stroke survivors each year.
To g e t h e r we c a n c o n q u e r s t r o ke .
To g e t h e r we c a n c o n q u e r s t r o ke .
Call 020 7566 1505 email or visit
Call 020 7566 1505 email or visit
Registered office: Stroke Association House, 240 City Road, London EC1V 2PR. Registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No 211015) and in Scotland (SC037789). Also registered in Northern Ireland (XT33805), Isle of Man (No 945) and Jersey (NPO 369). Stroke Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales (No 61274)