Contents i c t u r e s
/St i l lP
i n a c h i e w i c t u r e s/v s i n o p
lE c u a d o r( P a g e d e l i c a
R e p ú b l a d e
/P r e s i d e n c i a lR o m e r o i g u e
Agenda Making the news this month
8 All love is equal – but not in the eyes of the law.
9 Students of the world, unite!
– the spring of resistance gathers pace.
i r e
10 An environmental quandary –
exiled Chagos Islanders face a new threat. Ju
B e h a l i e n
Analysis Special feature: China's workers
14 Whose miracle? An epic migration to the cities has been responsible for China’s turbocharged economic performance. But, as Richard Swift explains, the cost for many workers has been too great and they refuse to be quiet any longer.
Also in Analysis 26 Oil or life? Ecuador’s stark choice Esme McAvoy is in the Amazon to find out what’s happening to the Yasuní proposal.
54 When people rise up... As the ripples of rebellion spread through the Arab world, what’s next for democracy?
18 China’s workers – THE FACTS 19 iSlaveElectronics giant Foxconn employs over a million people in China – in conditions that drive them to despair, reports Jenny Chan.
22 Hard road to justice Three personal stories of the battles being fought for workers’ rights.
24 Solidarity with China’s workers – the campaigns that count.
/R e u t e r s
L e e
J a s o n
4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● A P R I L 2 011