A W eekly Newspaper and Review.
From the Brief oj His Holiness to The Tablet, June 4, 1S70.
Voi. 38. No. 1638. London, September 2, 1871.
r*icE5d. bvpost
[R egistekkd a t the G eneral P ost O ffice as a N ewspaper.
C hronicle of th e W eek : The
Crisis at Versailles.— Future Presidents.— M. Thiers on the last Six Months.—The Religious Element in the Cabinet.—The East SurreyElection.— The French Deputation in Ireland.— The Lyons Schools. — The Observance of Sundays.— Press Prosecutions in France.— The 4th of September.— Austria .and Germany. — Prince Bismark -and the “ Daily Telegraph.”—
'Unannexed Populations. — The Munich Schismatics. — Socialist Congress.—The 23rd August at TRome.—The Revolution and the International in Italy.— Stanislas C o h e n ............................................. 289 .L eaders :
The Situation in France . . 293
L eaders (continued) :
The International Association in
America, Spain, and Switzerland • Arbitration instead of War—IV . University Education in Ireland . The International Exhibition.—The
Italian Pictures .... T he A nglican Movement:
Indications that even the Highest
Anglicans do not feel the True Sense in which the Church is the Body of Christ .... R eviews :
Councils and Ecclesiastical Docu
ments relating to Great Britain and Ireland. . . . Journal of the “ ady Beatrix
G r a h a m .................................... Our Sister Republic
R eviews (continued) :— Westward by Rail. . . . S hort N otices : Caelum Christia-
num.— Patron Saints C orrespondence :
Young Men’s Societies . Dress in Churches. . . . Convent of the Good Shepherd at
P a r i s ............................................. R ome :
Letter from Rome Stanislas Cohen .
The Roman Pontificate in History Peter’s Pence.................................... D iocesan N ews : Westminster.—
Beverley. —Liverpool I reland :
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .....................................
F oreign N ew s :
France :
Bill on the Prolongation of
M. Thiers’ Powers . M. Thiers’ Deposition on the
Insurrection .... Germany :
303 3°4 ! 30s ! 305 I 307 J 307
Prince Bismark’s Confidences . Bavaria............................................. Switzerland :
A new Socialist Programme Memoranda :
Religious Educational . Literary. Scientific Fine Arts . , Sanitary. , G eneral N ews
308 30S
309 309
310 3XI 3« 3*1312 312 212
H E interest o f this w eek centres in the
crisis in F rance. T h e re are indications that M. Thiers has been brought to a sense o f his position, and that his pretentions
have been somewhat modified. In the first p lace lie cannot but see that the conflict o f last w eek at all events m ight have "been avoided. W h ile he was working h im self in to a passion with the R igh t about the N a tional Guard, and talking about resignation, his own M in ister, M. Dufaure, as well as the majority, accepted the conciliatory amendment o f General D u c ro t for the more gradual dissolution o f that force. I t is c lear therefore that a previous understanding would have been possible had temper not com e in the way. T h e same personal feelings envenom ed the controversy on Tuesday.
'M. Dufaure found it necessary to mollify his ch ie f by refusin g to accept the Committee’s B ill, unless there was inserted in the preamble a special acknowledgm ent o f M. Thiers’s past services, and o f “ the guarantees” which the prolongation o f his power “ would afford to the confidence o f the country,” which amendment he moved. On W ednesday M . V ite t announced that the committee accepted this amendment, whereupon M . Dufaure, in the name o f the Council o f M in isters, accepted the Bill. In the meantime, amongst other counter-projects, M. de Choiseul had g iven notice o f one calculated to satisfy the sensitiveness o f M. Thiers by its preamble, and saying nothing about Constituent powers ; but when M . Dufaure announced that the Governm ent adopted the Committee’s B ill, M . de Choiseul w ithdrew his. T h e struggle was thus concentrated on the point concerning the Constituent power o f the A ssem b ly , and the announcem ent that Governm ent adhered to the p ro ject o f the com m ittee was received with loud and v io lent protests from the Left. M . Pascal Duprat endeavoured to .prove that the A ssem b ly did not possess Constituent powers, and G eneral Ducrot, M . St. M arc Girardin, and M . Baragnon, maintained that it did. T h e L e ft got very excited, and when the last named speaker reproached the men o f the 4th Sept, with having overthrown an established
Hwernment, M . T estelin exclaim ed that i f they had not, « hnnt,*' £
a ttack. H e moved the rejection n f L • , b.e n o^s the preamble which affirms the A s s em b ly ^ ConstTtuen" rights, first, because it was unnecessary; secondly, because ,t was an encroachm ent j and thirdly, because i f recogn ized by the A ssem b ly it m ight be disputed by a portion
New Series. Vol. V I . No. 147.
o f France. T h e A ssem b ly , he said, was not com petent to decide in favour either o f a R epublic or a M onarchy, and he (M . Gambetta) would not a ccept o f a R epublic at its hands. H e expressed his conviction that the C o n stituent powers would a t any rate not be exercised, and sat down declaring h im self exhausted by the interruptions he had to endure. T h e result o f the debate was that the “ consideration ” affirm ing the Constituent rights o f the A ssem b ly was carried by 433 votes against 227. A t the close o f the sitting M . Edgar Quinet, in the name o f 75 members, presented a motion for the d issolution o f the Assem b ly .
W h ile it was uncertain whether M . Dufaure’s
v m r n m q am endment would be accepted by the Com-
' 1 s' m ittee, M. Thiers is said to have declared that i f its merits were not sufficiently acknow ledged lie would “ act on an irrevocable determ ination ; ” in other words, resign. I t becam e im perative to look out for a successor, and it is positively stated that the D ue d ’A um a le was sounded, and that he flatly declined. H e has probably seen enough since his return to F rance to conv in ce him that the post is scarcely tenable by a Prince not w illin g to sacrifice a good deal o f his d ig n i t y ; besides there seems no reason to believe that his adherence to the understanding between the members o f the R o yal H ouse is not sincere and firm. T h e rumours o f other overtures to M . Gre'vy, General Chanzy, and Marshal M acM ahon do not seem to rest on any very solid foundation. Should matters ever com e to the worst, the A ssem b ly , i f deprived o f M. Thiers, and menaced w ith c iv il strife, m ight do many a more foolish th ing than to entrust the executive p rovisionally to j Marshal M acM ahon. N obody would be so capable o f ] neutralizing that in fluence which M. Gambetta and G eneral | Faidherbe confidently hope that they can bring to bear on j the army. I t is in this quarter that the greatest danger lies.
M . Thiers has certainly om itted no oppor-
m . th ie r s on tUn ity o f d irecting the attention o f the A ssem
b ly tohis services during the war and insurrection, and his claim s to their future confidence. T h e
R iv e t proposition was com ing on for debate, when M. Thiers expressed his desire o f making his deposition before the Committee o f Enquiry into the causes o f the insurrection. T h e substance o f this deposition will be found in another part o f our columns. Its principal interest consists in the contributions which it furnishes to the history o f M. Thiers’s circular m ission last winter. England, he says, was hesitating, and desirous o f acting with R u s s ia ; Russia was sym pathetic, but evidently bound b y engagem ents with Prussia. Shortly afterwards the tone at St. Petersburg changed, and M. Thiers was recommended to return to V ersailles, everyone assuring him that P r u s s i a would make peace on reasonable terms. From St. Petersburg M. I hiers went