A Weekly Newspaper and Review.
From the BrieJ oj His Holiness to The Tablet, June 4, 1870.
Voi. 37. No. 1612. L ondon, March 4, 1871.
P rick 5d. Dv Post 5
[R egistered a t th e G eneral P ost O ffice as a N ew spaper.
C hronicle of the Wbbk : The
Pope and the Syllabus. — The Roman Society of Catholic Interests. — The Catholic Youth Movement.—'The Roman Carnival.—New French Ambassador to Rome. — Thiers at Versailles.— The Preliminaries.— The Bitter End.—The Entry into Paris.— Sympathies. — Sic£e Fare. — The French Embassy.—Titles Act Repeal.—The Government and Irish JProselytism. — Westmeath. — Catholic Education.— Scottish Education.— Freemasonry . «Leaders :
The Terms of Peace . Higher Education in Ireland.—
IX . Endowed Schools
L eaders (continued) :
Our French Relief Fund . . 260 Peter’s Pence. . . . . 260 The New Education Code, 1871.— II 260 E nglish A dm in istrations and
C atholic I nterests.— XXVII. Patron Fairs. — Protestant Palatines Imported into Ireland . . 261 T he A nglican Movement :—The
Judgment of Mr. Purchas . . 262 R eviews :
The Works of Alexander Pope . 263 The Recovery of Jerusalem . 264 S hort N otices : The Rule of the
Pope King, weighed by facts and figures.— My Beads ; or, a Few Links from the Chain of my Life. —The Men and Women of the English Reformation.— Le Petit Guide Français à Londres . . 265
C orrespondence:
The New Education Code The Religion of the “ Times” On the Genesis of Species The Anglo-German Commission Collections for French Peasantry P arliam entary S ummary R ome : Letter from our Roman
265 265 265 266 266 266
Correspondent .... 269 Lenten Allocution of his Holiness
Pius IX
. . . . 270
R ecord of the C ouncil :— The
Bishop of Kerry on the Council. —The Bishop of Orleans.—The Bishops of Orleans and Metz . 271 D iocesan N ews : Westminster.......................................271
Hexham and Newcastle . .272 Northampton.......................................272
D iocesan N ews (continued) :
Shrewsbury .... Scotland.— Western District . I reland :
. 272 . 273
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .......................................272 T he W a r ..................................................... 273 Foreign N ews :
S p a i n .................................................. A1g» e rs ..............................................274 M emoranda :
Religious : Hints for the Treat
ment of Priests
Educational : Alterations in the
New Revised Code . . .275 Literary ...... 276 Fine Arts and Music . . . 276 General News . . . . 277
'H E Roman Patricians and Nobles pre
sented an address o f sympathy anti affection, on the 17 th February, to the Holy Father, signed by 157 repre
sentative names. The Princess Orsini presented the address ; and Prince D. Camillo Massimo read it. The . H o ly Father in reply referred to the Syllabus, and said that he was convinced “ that the world must turn “ at last to the Syllabus, which is its only anchor o f safety ; “ to that Syllabus, which has been so ill interpreted and has -« excited such anger in the minds of deluded persons.” The fact is, though o f coarse England is angry at being told it, that the Syllabus is the Charter o f true Christian Liberty and the Palladium o f the Christian order o f the world.
E R0MAN The Pope in a B r ie f which he has recently society of directed to a Society that has been brought
catholic into existence in Rome, on occasion o f the interests, outrages offered to the H o ly See and to the •Catholic religion, says that (among the many consolations he has received in the midst o f his sufferings) “ the chief “ place is held by his beloved children, the citizens o f Rome,
who, mindful o f the faith o f their fathers and o f their per“ petual devotion to Blessed Peter and his successors, de-
serve that the words o f S. Paul should be repeated. ‘ Your ‘ faith is announced throughout the whole world.’ ” In this Brief the Holy Father commends and enriches with the grant o f indulgences the Society called “ The Roman “ Society fo r Catholic Interests, under the Patronage o f the “ Immaculate Virgin Mary and the holy Apostles Peter and “ Paul.” The name and patronage o f this Society are well -chosen. One o f the effects of the present suffering will be to quicken into activity Catholic Societies o f this sort throughout the world. The Papal Brief of approbation will give them their canonical existence.
The Pope has sent a most encouraging Brief to the Society o f Catholic Youth in Italy, in reply to an address which they had presented to him o f sympathy, homage, and devoted at
tachment to his teaching and sacred rights. H e says, speaking of the affairs o f Rome':—
We certainly could not be deceived by the applause of paid crowds and by the adepts of the condemned secret societies, nor by votes obtained by cunning, corruption and money, nor by congratulations extorted by fear. For We well know the aftliction of Our provinces, and we saw the indignation of the Roman people, and We receive every day splendid testimonies of their affection for Us, and at the same time of sorrow and detestation of the impiety which lias been committed. It is not the Catholic youth o f Italy only that is to the fore. In England the Catholic youth are being organized, and they are collecting, with the approval of all the Bishops, a sum of money to be presented to the Holy Father on the 25th
anniversary o f his election. The youth in the colleges and convents are sending in their names to Lord Campden and Mr. Woodward, and meetings are being held in some o f the principal towns. Certainly nothing can be wiser than to develop and encourage in every possible way this spontaneous movement o f Catholic youth. The future depends upon the youth of to-day. And the wisdom o f older heads is to look forward into the years which they will never see, but which they may nevertheless shape, while the youth o f to-day is in their hands.
A Roman letter in the Brussels journal says
c a r n iv a l ^
t!le d ‘Plomat‘c representatives at Florence have made very strong remonstrances to the
Government on the subject o f the infamous insults offered to the Holy See, in the masquerades played off at Rome during the Carnival under the name o f the Crusades. They have been graphically described in our own correspondence, but the letters in the foreign Catholic papers paint them, if possible, even in more hideous colours. In addition to the horribly sacrilegious insults of the masquerade, there were amongst the crowd shouts o f blasphemy, and cries o f death to all Catholics. The Belgian flag was so much the special object o f insult that the Baron l ’yck, the Belgian Ambassador, is believed to have made a complaint o f it to the authorities. The Pope keeps an unflinching front to the deluge of sin that has inundated his City. The writer quoted above says that he wishes brought to him every bad newspaper and insulting publication. H e reads them all, and marks the vilest parts with his pencil. H e is resolved to know the worst o f everything. He said— ‘L it is my duty to “ know the whole depravity o f the wicked, in order that I “ may pray with the greater fervour for their conversion, “ and for the preservation o f the good.”
The French Government have done a cour-
new french teous towards the Pope. M. Thiers sent AtoArom’e R last 'veek an enquiry to the Vatican, to ascertain
' the wishes of the Holy Father as to who would be most acceptable to him as the diplomatic representative o f France near the Holy See. Under the circumstances o f political pressure which exist at present, the thoughtfulness of the act appears not a little praiseworthy. What the reply to the enquiry was, we are not informed. An Ambassador from France to the Pope lias clearly been appointed, but different sources of information give different names as those of the personage selected for the high office. The names chiefly mentioned are those o f M. de Corcelles and M. Cochin, both o f them Catholic gentlemen oi position, and web and favourably known for the services they have rendered to Catholic interests in b ranee. Advices from Rome say that the Baron von Arnim has been summoned from Rome to Y ersailles, and will, it is said, be appointed the Prussian Ambassador to Paris.
New Series. Vol. Y. No. 121.