Opera Now turns sleuth as we investigate some recently unearthed evidence regarding scandals and betrayals during Puccini 's life. See page 36

A couple of swells: hot new operatic couple Stephen Costello and Ailyn Perez talk about

and off the stage.


Front of house 4 Editorial 6 News & comment • 1 ew open ing at Sarasota Op ra • D D \\ ars • Viva ldi at Garsington • La Sca la seat dcbacle

Features 12 All together now ... Ashutosh Khanclekar illlrodu ccs th e aliona l Performing Arts Com cnlion Laking pla ce in Denver thi s June 15 Cinema scope Thoma May assesses the importance or the Metropolitan Opera·s r•e l a~ in reaching a wid er opem audience 19 Brave new world Karyl Charna I_Qrnn rolllldS up operatic happenings in New England and its environs 24 Happy couple Yehuda Shapiro meets exciting new operatic co uple Stephen Costello and Ailyn P6rez 27 Country music Karyl Charna Lynn visits ashville Opera 31 The performing voice Jose Cum tells Mark Glanville how the different disciplin es or co nducting and composing have informed his operatic ca r eer 34 Latin horizons Karyl Chama Lynn begins Opera Now's new seri es on opem in Latin America with a \~S i t to Mexico 36 Time out Ad r·ian Mour·by unearths hithei'Lo unknown evidence rega r·d ing what Puccini might actually have got up to during his eight-yea r 'dry period' 40 Aria John Steane explores recordings or Lensky's ' Kud a. kuda vy udalilis' ar·ia from E'ugene Onegin 100 Comique turn Pmncis Ca r lin ta lks to the ne\ r·cgirne at the Opera Co rni quc wh ich has just presented its first season at th e histori c Pa ri sian venue 119 In Memoriam John Stea ne pays tribute to sopr·ano Ter·esa Sli ch-Ranclall \\ ho died l ast yea r· 120 Classical proportions Ashutosh Kha ndekar profil es the Classica l Opera Company 123 Pocket-sized Juliet Giraldi looks at the work or the Pocket Opera Company in the Lomba r·cly r egion of Italy 126 Do you boo? Aclrian Mourby explores th e etiquette or booing

Reviews 44 In recital 48 CD reviews 53 DVD reviews 63 Book reviews 69 Live reviews 103 World premieres 115 Young artist revi ews 130 Webwatch 166 Tristan & Matilda

131 Festivals 2008 Opera Now's guide to this summer's festivals worldwide 140 Opera Worldwide The guide t o international opera performances, plus this issue's Travel Tips