6 Opera news New houses in Haly + Utzon takes rop prize + Opera notes from around th e world 10 Life at the top As we ll as being chairman of Opera Ameri ca, Ian Camp bell has been runn ing San Di ego Opera for a groundbreaking 20 yea rs. PrestO n Turegano caught up with him 14 Down Mexico way The Mexi can border rown ofTijuana has produced a new opera company- part of the region's growing cultural awa reness. Sam Quinon es reports 16 Take your partner The opera co mpani es in th e French towns ofNantes and Angers have decided to co mbine th eir forces . Francis Carlin wonders how co mpatible th ey rea ll y are 19 Birthday legend Alan Sievewright celebrates so prano Birgit Nilsson's 85th birthd ay with a look back at a glittering career 24 In the wings Opera Now meet opera people ] o eph call eja + Susan Parry
22 The Opera Now interview: Shirl ey Ap thorp gets the full srory fro m Thomas Hampson
27 Russian lady
Francis Carlin is impressed by Larissa Gergieva 's nurturing of ta lented young Ru ss ian sin ge r who are making an im pact inte rnati onall y 30 Opera designers Rosy Runciman commemorates one of opera 's A nest designers, Maria Bjornson, who died un expectedly last Dece mber
A des ign by the la t e Maria Bjornson for Houston opera 's forthcoming world premiere, The Little Prince
The Hamburg Opera 's stunning production of Dialogues des Carmelites . See Live Reviews from page 57
FESTIVAL NEWS • ew face at Glimmerglass (41)
• Dalhalla's meteo ric ri se (43)
• Des tination foc us: St Petersb urg and the White Nights Festival ( 44)
• Athens and th e Hellenic Festival (46)
• Graz - Capital of Culture 2003 ( 49)
• ean Doran's legacy at the Perth Festival, Australia (54)
32 Call security!
An to nia Cou li ng talks to th e crea tive tea m behind Jerry Springer- The Opera, about to open at th e Na ti onal Th ea tr e, London 37 Aria John Steane continu es his new se ri es with a look at Des Grieux's aria 'Ah, fu yez, douce image!' from Massenet's M anon 51 Opera in the making Ph ill Ward talks to director Nikolaus Lehnhoff about Berio's end ing of Turandot , and his forth co ming Tristan und lsolde at Glyndebourne this summer
Regulars Editorial 4 News in Brief 8 Moving house 41 Subscriptions 25 Live reviews 57 CD reviews 107 Opera in view 110
In recital 114 Webwatch 118 CD features 120 Book reviews 124
Letters 127 Dear Louise 128 Backstage 130
MAY/JUNE 2003 Opr ra Now 3